What do you envision the last phase of your life to be like? (We will explore this in more detail shortly.)
How would you like to handle medical decisions? How much information do you want about your condition? Would you prefer to know if you have months, weeks, or days to live?
What level of information do you want the doctors to share with your family and friends?
Do you want to be actively involved in care decisions, or would you prefer to appoint someone you trust—someone with whom you have had deep conversations—to make those decisions on your behalf? (Consider this carefully, as end-of-life situations are challenging, and the person you believe would advocate for you may not be strong enough to carry out your last wishes.)
What is your vision for your medical care? Are there specific treatments you would want or wish to avoid, such as the use of a feeding tube or resuscitation if your heart stops?
Do you want to continue treatment regardless of the discomfort it may cause, or is quality of life more important than the quantity of life?
Is there a point at which you would prefer to transition from curative treatments to comfort care only?
Where would you like to spend your last days? Do you prefer to stay at home, or are you comfortable being in a hospice home, hospital, or nursing facility?
When the time comes, who would you like to have with you?
Are there financial affairs you wish to organize?
Are there any family tensions you are concerned about?
Do you have any final wishes regarding organ donations?
We understand that these conversations are difficult, but they are essential. Tune into Help 4 HD HIPE on Facebook or check out the upcoming YouTube discussion from HIPE featuring Katie Jackson and Katrina Hamel, where they talk about supporting your loved ones through the end of life.